Even the youngest pupils talk with confidence of the three Bible stories which exemplify the vision of achieving, believing and caring.
Siams, Jan 2020
EYFS Physical Development
Our children will have a diverse range of physical experiences and challenges throughout their time in Reception, many of which they will do alongside the rest of the school. This area of learning offers opportunities for children to develop and practise the control they have over their own bodies. It allows for them to develop the confidence and skills in large gross motor movements such as running, jumping, climbing as well as developing their spatial awareness and coordination. Fine motor skills are developed so that children are able to competently, safely and confidently use a range of tools for activities including drawing, writing, painting and eating.
The Physical Development curriculum is designed so that children learn how to take measured risks and enjoy being active, both inside and outside. They regularly use the school playground, trim trail, the field, the hall and forest school. The children have one afternoon of PE a week alongside the rest of the school. The children also attend forest school regularly. The children use a range of mark making and writing equipment and are encouraged to use cutlery properly. Our children use their fine motor skills through many of our day to day activities and also start each day with fine motor activity. Fine motor activities are always in our continuous provision, loose parts and construction kit for example.
The children are spatially aware, co-ordinated and confident in their movements. Children demonstrate correct pencil grip for sustained periods and can work with small items. Our children will also understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet.